Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some of my fav quotes in The Notebook.

Young Noah
: I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.


Young Noah: [while hanging from the Ferris Wheel] Will you go out with me?
Young Allie: What? No.
Young Noah: No...?
Young Allie: No.
Young Noah: Why not?
Young Allie: I don't know, because I don't want to.
Young Noah: OK, then you leave me no other choice.
Young Allie: [Lets go with one hand] AHHHH!
Young Noah: I'm gonna ask you one more time, will you or will you not go out with me? I think my hand's slipping.
Young Allie: OK, OK. Fine I'll go out with you
Young Noah: No, don't do me any favors.
Young Allie: No, no I want to.
Young Noah: Say it.
Young Allie: I wanna go out with you.
Young Noah: Say it again.
Young Noah: All right, all right we'll go out.


Young Noah: It's not about following your heart and it's not about keeping your promises. It's about security.

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