Friday, May 21, 2010

Young folks.

None of my close friends like to use the cubicle next to mine

cos I like to play games.
So childish but so fun. :D
Used to do it in secondary school all the time..
But looks like I'm the only one who still does it.

Jihae told me this yesterday,
"I'm never going to use the cubicle next to your's ever again!!!!"

So funny.
I like to slip my foot underneath the next cubicle and say,

And then it's natural response that the person at that cubicle will step on it.
Once I threw my whole shoe from underneath.
Then I didnt get it back until she was done :(

So the whole time we will try to step on each other's foot.
You won't be able to shit when you do that so it pisses my friends but they also cannot resist getting back at me so the whole time we do the stepping game.
Grabbing their legs with ur hands is the funniest shit ever.
Especially when they scream. HAHA
Satisfaction. :O
Once my friend threw a whole mop at my friend from above the cubicle.
HAHAHAHA funniest toilet story ever.

AHHHHHAHAA O yeah almost forgot.
When I was at the cubicle next to Ji's yest,
we were talking about sth and then we did a low five from underneath the cubicle.
She was on my right.
So rightafter we low 5'd,
I said..

ME: Shit. U low fived me with your left hand or right hand?

JIHAE: My left hand. Why?

ME: Because you clean ur ass with your right hand.

JIHAE: HAHA o yeah..


JIHAE: Which hand did u use?

ME: Right hand.


Ah fuck..
once we grow up,
we don't really do that anymore.
How time flies.

I still order ice chocolate when everyone else order coffee when i'm out with my family.
Gotta change my child-like behaviour.
Don't wanna grow up.
I think I've got Peter-Pan syndrome.

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