Tuesday, June 22, 2010

( not naked. check out my mess.
Sometimes I feel I'm worse than a boy.)

I dunno why my mother likes to dress up like the pervert downstairs my place.
She just has to ride a bike and pretend to be reading newspaper..
then there will be an uncanny resemblance.

Anyway, everyday I go to work like as if I'm in a brisk-walking marathon.
I'm like a road-runner!
Cos I always late.
Today I was 49min late. D:
Yesterday I was 1 and a half hours late I think.

I went back to bed when Didier said to come an hour later today..
and then I went to search for an alarm clock too but can't find a good one.
I shall start my hunt for clocks soon.
I think I need 2.

Hmmm I've been working at Ice Rockz for about 16days alr.
It has been tiring but always so fun :3
Getting used to Didier's and Coco's shouting.
They like to shout. ALOT.
I dunno why.
I took about 4 days to open up to them...
it got better after Hannah joined the crew.
I'ma shy person so I need some time to really open up.
There are exceptions though..
Some people are easy to click with so it really depends.
I'm always happy when someone talks to me unless u're a pervert.
For the first 2 days I wasn't really talking at all..

I only respond when they ask me questions.
On my second day of work I was messaging Cass that I was sad cos I don't have anyone to talk to. :/
I am friendly.. but sometimes I won't talk to you unless u speak to me first because I'm not good at striking a conversation and I don't know if you'll like me.

Anyway, today my boss, Coco and her sister Didier asked me to make nasi lemak blend.
W T F.
I was quite shocked..
I mean I'm crazy.
I do crazy things like that but it just didn't seem right for two adults to be wanting to do something like that.
They make me put in nasilemak rice,
ikan bilis, milk and fried chicken into the blender.
I shuddered as I was blending them.

Haven't added the milk in this pic yet.

Blend this fuckshit.
Tasted quite good actually.
Like porridge.

My fav.
I got sick of Strawbs banana yomi cos I've been spamming myself with it.

The other day I found this mutated strawberry.
So cuteeee.
I went to freeze it.
I couldn't bear to throw it away.

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