Friday, June 25, 2010

O happi3 day~ ~(*^*)~

Today was sucha pleasant day.
I love working with Hannah.T.
She's like a mommmmmm. :3
I like Coco and Didier too although it has alr been 17 days working for them but I'm still wondering when they will sit on my face if I do sth wrong.
Coco is like a mother to me. =8)
And Didier is like an older sister who LOVES TO SHOUT VULGARITIES WHENEVER SHE IS ANGRY.
Sometimes it's funny but it can be quite scary so I'll just keep quiet and occupy myself with loadsa things to do incase she finds a reason to scold me.

Everytime she says this..
Inside my head will be like,
"O shit o shit o shit o shit o shit o shit x("
although u can't tell cos I will appear to be very calm and pretend like I am deaf but inside I'm like (>_<)


My cousin came down to surprise me today.

With her boyfriend.. Jason?
BAHAHA I always cannot rmb his name but I do now.
It's Joshua.

They both made in black si bo?
Must be drink soya sauce every night.
So black alr still wanna couple couple wear black together.
So now stead then become steady la.
Stick together like pisai.
Cb. Act one sweet couple infront of me just cos I am single.

HEHE kidding.
I loveeee Hazel.

Pat came over to pass me these.
It's from her sister, Vivien.
She just came back from UK but I guess she was busy since she didn't give it to me personally.
Vivien is so sweet. x)

She knows that I have chapped lips cos of my medication and she also knows I love chocos so she got them for me.
Twix. :O
I think I am in love again. =8)

Heidi Lampy came to visit too.
Omg I miss her. =8)
What a pretty face.
I like the way she calls my name.
"Valent..." HAHAHA.
I DON'T LIKE IT when people call me VAL or VALENT but for her it's an exception. =8)

Ernest came down too. ={D
He's going to be an army boy soon bahaah baldy.

My dear Jewel came with her friends as well.
I miss that precious.

I love it when my friends and readers come down for me and of course for the food and drinks from Ice Rockz.
Makes me feel special :3

And today I confirmed with the guy whom I thought was from Supperclub and turns out he is really the same guy. x)
I think if I didn't suddenly turn and ask him,
he will never admit even though he alr knew who I was!
bahaaa and maybe I thought wrong of him. =8/

O and my sister got me an Iphone. :O
She came in the shop with her friends and dropped me a bag and I was like
The happy kind of WTFFFFFFFFFFFF.
=8) Heart attack beepboopbeepboop.

Coco gave me an iphone cover x)
So this is why my day was so awesome.
I wish everyday was like this. =8)


Im going to fall asleep happy today.
My ugly single eyelids says Good Nighto.
I wanna have double eyelids please..
so that I can look more like a girl and less like a girl with balls. :3

O and anyway,
when I ended work,
I went to look for sis, Matt and their friends at Scape's White dog.
When we were leaving the place,
I said bye to Coco as we walked past Ice Rockz and then she started to point at some guy that was at the counter, back-facing me.
When the guy turned back to look at me I got a shock.


The Little Nonya/Xiao Niang Re actor, Dai Yang Tian turned to look at me.
Wtf sia.
I think he got a shock when I suddenly took out my hand to shake his.
HAHAH cos he was giving me a smile and a lost look at the same time.
He is so macho now but I like him when he was skinny!

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