Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today was my first time doing closing.
I usually do morning shift.
Chit-chatted with Cheval and Didier the whole time cos it was getting pretty quiet around Scape.
I reached home at 1+ in the morning!!!
I don't mind though.
They are so fun to be with. =8)

Every morning I brisk walk to work and end up panting and perspiring like madwhen I reach the shop.
Im always late.
Like 10min+ late but now better!
And after work,
I come home smelling like a humongous chickadee burger.
I think Max likes me better now anyway.
He keeps sniffing my hands. :D

Today was awesome though!
A reader came in and gave me a card!!
I was so happy I squatted on the floor to read it.
Thank uuuu. =8)
Really. =8)

And there was this chirpy boy who came into the shop.
I remember him cos he ordered our RED CAPSICUM ROCKS.
It's Ice blended red capsicum with our orange tea.
No one dares to try that.
I tried abit though.
Tasted odd but quite nice.
I made Cheval finish it. HAHAHA
He is so funny.

Didier(my boss' sister) thought that chirpyboy was sooo cute,
she made mini chicken burgers for him and his friends
and then they all gave really enthusiastic thumbs up from outside the shop.
So funny.
They made me laugh =8)

So in order to have free samples of food and drinks,
I suggest u come into the shop really chirpy,
buy sth and ask if u can try sth.
That's what I reckon..

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