Wednesday, June 02, 2010



Today was my first day at work.
I am working at
Ice rockz (click)

Finally got a job.
First time doing FnB.
So fun!
This shop is new so you may not know of its existence.

It is located at SCAPE.
Just beside Cine..
Where Mcdonalds is.

I was so tired after work because I only had 2 hours of sleep.
Cos I was too excited for work!!!
Then I late.
10 Mins late.
so paiseh..

I have to wear a trucker cap and some shirt though..
It's sponsored by STAGE.
You know Show Luo Zhi Xiang/Xiao Zhu?
Yeap. He is the founder of STAGE.
Hhaah I think.
And I gotta wear geeky specs too.

Our Specialty is Chicken Rice burger and Nasi Lemak Burger.
Pretty good! I love the drinks also.
I know how to make.
Hhahah. I was a complete klutz.
I sliced my third finger and my palm.
Don't know how I hurt the third finger.
Palm was when I was slicing the strawberries in a hurry cos my 2nd boss was weighing the strawberries and I didn't want him to wait for me.
Then I kept quiet when I sliced my palm :(
Got teeny blood. HAHAHA.

One of the boss said I am like a sotong.
Very blur and I think she thinks I'm dumb but she laughs it off.
I just want to be careful cos I get confused very easily so I ask lotsa qns.

I like my first boss, Coco.
She has blue and purple hair!!
I loveeeee blue. =8)
Sometimes I'm quite scared of her also but overall she is nice.
I did all the job I was supposed to do because I didn't wanna get a scolding.

Cass came to visit.
Stupid girl gave me a surprise wooooo.
I was so happy that while I was pouring her drink into a cup,
I poured it on my hand as well.

I will be working from Mons to Sats.. (Hopefully)
Sometimes from 12-8 and sometimes later in the evening till 11.30.
Not sure bout the shifts.
I hope more people come so I will stop stoning in the shop but please don't laugh at me when I get nervous because I will become very shy and not work properly.
Thank you. =8)

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