Friday, June 04, 2010

Thurs, 3rd June.

Sliced my hand.
WITH? Eyebrow shaver.

I was pulling out the cap from the eyebrow shaver.
Wasn't being careful so I sliced it.
I was like "JIBAI!!!!!!!!",
capped it back and threw it on my bed.

After 10 mins I went back to the mirror.
Wah buay tahan my eyebrows so messy so I went to dig my bed to search for it.
AH-HA! Found it.
Walked back to the mirror and uncapped the shaver.

Sliced middle finger.
(Anyway in case if u were wondering what's on my fringe it's a curler. HAHA.)

Altogether I have 5 cuts on my hands.
I went to work with plasters all around but at the end of the day,
all came off because I have to wash the dishes.
It was sooo painful cos all havent heal.
Open wound.
I was secretly dying inside while scrubbing the dishes with DETERGENT.

And I had to carry heavy things and handle hot stuff like rice and fried chicken.
Ok la everything is heavy to me cos I am small and my muscles are only enough for me to move about but not carry things.

And I don't know how to make the wounds close and heal faster.
Plasters don't work.
Just makes it soggy and my hands are always running under water for this job.
I didn't make noise to my boss and co-workers though.
Later they think I am incapable of small things and I dont like to appear lazy.
I do whatever there is to do unless I forgot.
I'm pretty forgetful by the way so that sucks.

Li Teng. He owns the shop STAGE at Scape.
He sponsors us the shirts and caps we have to wear.
Don't like the design for the women shirts but the guys' one damn nice!!!! Quite expensive I think.
On my first day of work which was yesterday,
he thought we knew each other.

When my boss introduced both of us he said in chinese that we've seen each other before.
HAHAHA I went,
"No, we've never!" in chinese.
Today which is my second day of work,
he said to my boss that I look like one of his friends from taiwan.
He's cool but I'm still not at the stage where I can talk to him normally.

I'm pretty quiet in the shop.
I'm the sort like if we don't know each other,
I won't really talk to you unless u talk to me first because I am shy.
I really am.. I'm afraid I might say the wrong things and I'm not good at handling conversations.
I'm good at disturbing people though but when I work,
it's the other way round.
I think everyone thinks I'm naive in the shop.
=8/ Help meee. :(

Jessica Liu.
She's an actress if u don't know.
I'm sure you do.
She's prettier in person.

She's tall and slim WOOOOO.
Pretty thing.
Didier, my boss' sister asked me to send her burger to STAGE shop cos she was there.
When she turned around to hold the plastic bag,
she smiled and said thanks.
I went to thank her back. (*.,*)
I think she is too pretty till I dunno what I was saying.

Didier, me, Sherry(boss' daughter) and boss' cousin.
I don't know his name but I think he is funny.
He's only a year older than me!!!

He said he wanted milk tea so I said I'll make one for him
(i try to do all the job there is to do. I don't wanna get scolding. =8/ I try my best so I won't be at fault.. I scared la...)
He also said he wanna try putting yoghurt inside.
No one supported him except for me so I did it and it tastes like shit.

zheng huan. He's also an actor.
He's one of the boss though.
I am still quite shy so I don't really talk to him but I'm really trying to be more sociable.

The one in the middle is my boss, Coco.
She looks really young!
I was so shocked when I knew she has a daughter and a son.

I'm so happy that my friends came to visit today.
Aaron was my first customer.
Stupid german boy.
He thinks the way I make the rice patty is funny cos I have to tip toe and use my whole body weight to compress it.
I was so shy........
Thanks for coming down though.
I hope you win ur skating competition!

Then Loke and Leong came OMGGGG.
They all giggled at me. =8D
HAHAHAH I love you guys so baddd.

And Ji hae and Jewel came too heheheheh.
And Matthew!!!!! HAHAHA.
He bought two burgers and Didier gave him a drink on the house!

Chewy came down omg love that little kid so much he is so cute!
Please come down more often during ur break time to talk to me!!
Showed him all my cuts on my hands.

Anyway, there are like MAJOR loadsa eyecandies.
Both guys and girls.
So I guess that's one thing good about this job too.
The food is good and so are the drinks.
I loveee it I just wish I was less a klutz,
more quick, less forgetful and more socialble.
That's all. =8)

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