Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The flood so bad meh!?
I work in town I also didn't know the flood so jialat until swimming pool kind.
Actually, I wouldn't even know about the flood if my boss and didier weren't talking about it.
I was still joking with Jihae about soggy maids in LuckyPlaza.
So bad.

Slept in tbe bus for 5 mins.

I think.
I know my head rolled forward.
I was so embarrassed I quickly covered right cheek with my right hand and continued to sleep.

I smell like chicken rice burgers everyday :(

And today,
this super damn familiar guy came in the shop.
I think he's the guy at supperclub who spoke to me..
but he didn't seem like he remembers me.
He recognised me the second time he saw me at supperc..
Just now I went to his table twice to light candle somemore.
Hm.. maybe wrong person.
Luckily I didn't ask.

OH and yesterday,
there was this guy who looks like CN blue's lead singer,
Jung yong hwa
or you'll be more familiar with
You're Beautiful's Kang Shin-Woo.

Wahhh handsome.
But he didn't come in.
He sat outside with his friend.
I still rmb he wore a white shirt.
HAHAHAH dunno whether I'm working or checking out people
Got hot angmoh girls also.
My favourite guy is a gay though.
He so cute and round.

Anyway this is currently how Max's butt looks like.
So round.
He went for grooming.


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