Sunday, June 20, 2010

Today is my off day.
Finally a fucking off day but nobody free to go shopping with me.
Alot of vulgar hokkien words bubbling in my stomach now..
Best not to say it.
It sounds so awful but I don't know why..
everytime I say it, I'm like shee fok sai...
relief sia...

It is now 7.25am but I don't feel like sleeping..
I feel like I'm wasting it.. :'(
Omg wanna cry......

Argh. Shwoppin?
I got my pay.
I wanna go shopping.
Maybe I go town alone..
But I hate being alone.
I hate walking alone.
I hate eating alone.
If there's no one to eat with me when I'm outside,
I usually don't eat.
I like being home alone though...

It's nice to be trapped in my room.

I have been seeing alot of stars lately.
Are they considered as celebrities?
Those Singapore bands..
Hannah recognised some of the band members that came into Ice Rocks yesterday and today.
Some so handsome..
I don't know the name of their bands though.
Amanda Ling came in.
She is so pretty (*.,*)
When I realised I was packing her burgers I just stopped and stared at her for 3 seconds.
I think she knew though. uh oh.

Today(sat) was the busiest day in Ice Rockz.
I was so flustered the whole time..
but it was fun.
I love it when customers talk to me and ask me questions.
I love it when I receive smiles.
I love it when they come back again and again
and again and again until I can memorize what their favourites are.
Like sometimes when some of the customers just step one foot into the shop I will shout,
"YY PEACH????? =8) "
Hhahahha so fun.

There's a dancer who comes pretty often.
He mentioned he prefers our nasi lemak burgers to chicken rice burgers cos he likes peanuts.
So I always add extra peanuts for him.

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