Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Living up to the name Valentina ToiletRoll Chua.
Everyone asked me..

I don't really know..
When I was in my lower secondary school days I always associate myself with the toilet.
My friendster nick name was once ILoveTheToilet!
Dumb shit. I think I was blonde.

Now my username has the word toilet inside.

Anyway, I have a terribly weak bladder.
I go to the toilet way too much that my boss and her sister always tease me when I tell them that I wanna go to the loo.

I think the pamphlet lady got it.
When I was walking towards her direction to my work place today,

It was so ferocious.
I felt like a killer.
For ONCE she looked at me and looked away.
She didn't come running towards me.
Wtf. Good choice.
It's like she just proclaimed world peace between us.

My skin is so much better now.
I'm back to only using BB cream w/o foundation.
I only put a bit la.
The sunlight made me look like I painted my face with it. :3

Yesterday I was bored so I decided to freeze a mochi from Japong that my aunt got for us.
Tried it today.
Texture's not as great.
I thought the skin will still be soft just that the red bean filling will be frozen.

okok here's a picture of a komodo dragon named Stupid.


Coco, my boss brought me out to collect bread today!
Click on name to enter site!
Caffe Pralet
It's not a very big shop but I was really drawn to the wedding cakes so beautifully wrapped in pastel fondant.
When Coco and I went into the shop,
she went straight to the counter to collect her orders and I just went straight to the cakes like as if I was being hypnotized.

So coooool.
I loveeee cakes.
I wish I was a cake :3

When I finished eating the cakes with my eyes,
I went to the counter to help Coco.
She asked me, "You wanna try their Pralet? It's their signature cake."
"Layers of dark, French chocolate are sandwiched between soft sponges on a base of crispy, crunchy, hazelnut base and topped with a smidgen of edible gold!"
-taken from their website.

Mmmm-mmm. :D
Yes, Pralet. You are a heartthrob. :)

COCO: Do you want to try something else??

ME: *Paisei but secretly wants all the cake in the whole shop*

ME: *Forcefully* Nahhh. It's fine. :3

COCO: You want to try this cheese cake?

ME: *Blush* hmmmm okie :D

COCO: I'll have one of this. Hm, this strawberry cake is also nice.
Try ok?

ME: :D

COCO: Green tea cake? You eat green tea right?

ME: (*__*) :D :D :D

COCO: Ok, can I have one of this and this and this.

ME: (T^T) *Tears of joy*

COCO: I get u a cupcake ok?

ME: ~(*^*)~

I think at that moment I felt like a jiggly puff.
I didn't even answer her.
I think she got the hint when she realised my smile was growing.
The whole time my face was like this :D
Everytime she said, "We'll get this too"
I could feel bubbles coming out from my ears.
Wtffffffffffffff. :D
fucking fairytale, man. xD
She is so coollllll =8)

But she had a really bad headache and I was getting worried for her when she said,
"I'm used to it alr."
Like her face was changing colour. :/
I hope when she got back,
the cakes they left her made her feel better.

P.S/ If u ever go to that cakeshop,
please try their greentea cake.
PLEASEEEE It's magic.
I only like their cupcake, Pralet and greentea cake!

PPS/ I start work at 10am from now on to 6pm! but sometimes I will stay later. My off days are now fridays :3

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