Friday, July 09, 2010

I realised I have been saying this sentence over and over again.
"zuo ren na li ke yi zhe yang de."
Kinda means some people don't know how to be human at all.
It's not easy to find someone who is really genuine at heart.
Someone real who only has good intentions and is considerate to others.
I'm not saying I am all that.. but I try to keep myself pure.
If I wanna bitch about people I make sure that person deserves it.
I don't bo dai bo ji go say mean things about others especially when I don't even know them personally.
I know a lot of people who does that and it's annoying.
Don't talk about what you are unsure of and ruin other people's reputation.

Is it so difficult to apologize when u do sth wrong,
say thank you, welcome, excuse me?
Is it so difficult to give up your seat to an oldy or a preggeroni?
Weren't you brought up with manners?

And if you want someone to respect you,
you ought to show some respect to that person as well.
I'm saying even if that kid is younger than you.
You gotta earn that respect don't just expect..

Also, sometimes when things go wrong,
go and reflect on yourself.
Sometimes the fault lies with you.
Your ego is too big that you can't see it.

Stop lying.. I don't understand how people can stir up such a huge lie and not feel guilty after saving their own ass.
Excuses can be lies too.

Do everything with a clear conscience.

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